Saturday, February 18, 2006

Just Starting Out

Ok...for those that know me, this will not be easy. I say that because I am really private about my life. I love helping others with their problems. I have been very fortunate that others have had enough faith and trust in me to be able to share personal problems and experiences. I feel it my honor to help them. The reason why is simple. On those extremely rare occasions, that I have needed sound advice or a helping hand, I have been very careful on whom to ask for help. Maybe it is selfish on my part not to allow everyone in the world to help me or maybe because in my finite wisdom, I don't feel anyone can really help me but God. I know we all have problems, that is pretty much a given. I do not want to burden someone else with my own problems when I know they themselves have issues going on in their lives. That is why I am always ready to help out when I can and when I am allowed to. It is like our Savior has taught, "Do unto others as you would have done unto you". Those are definitely words to live by. So, when it comes to me, I prefer to solve things on my own. It may not make sense, but that is how it is. That should be lesson #1... We all do things that don't make sense. I hope this will one day change to a certain extent. We'll see.

With this blog, I hope to share ideas, make comments, express realities, and have fun at the same time. Along with getting those that know the opportunity to share their views on life and whatever else makes you happy.

Allow me to go off on a tangent for a second. We are all unique individuals. As such, we all have different ways of thinking and expressing ourselves. That same uniqueness is what makes this world interesting to say the least. I feel we should all have opportunities to serve others. Sometimes in ways unbeknownst to us. Kind of like a mystery that is waiting to be solved. Many times we may ask ourselves, "How am I going to help so and so?". Well that could be a good question to ask many times, but I feel the most important question we can ask ourselves is, "Am I willing to help?". Once we make the decision to help, we will automatically be given help from on High to accomplish whatever task is at hand. Sounds to good to be true, if you are unsure, try it for yourself the next time a friend or relative needs help. Most of the time, we often are our own worst enemies. We tend to make things more difficult than they really are. The simplicity of taking the time necessary to listen to one's problems and worries is a kind of therapy for the soul of both parties involved. It helps in ways other things don't. We may not actually do anything to actually help solve the problem, but the simple fact remains, we were there to listen. And being a good listener is what it often takes to help. Ok...I'm done for now. Sure there's plenty more where that came from but, I'll leave that for another day. Remember Love LIFE!!!

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